Sunday, 20 April 2014

Herbie Pitt and the Rugby Adventure

As Herbie turns 18 months, the whirlwind experience that has been our life seems to finally be calming down and Rugby Town and Rugby School has embraced us. Having been teaching at Rugby School now for nearly 2 years, Clare also teaches here as the head of fashion and textiles. Plus Tilly is doing great and is flourishing into a lovely little girl. The baby that w's being pushed around Lima is a distant memory as we chat away to our little Tilly often forgetting that she is only 4 years old. This time 4 years ago, we were in Lima, having watched the winter Olympics with random Canadians in the American bar and then collecting beer glasses in Plaza Veal in anticipation of the World Cup and here we are again, having just watched the winter Olympics and waiting for England to yet again disappoint in a world cup. Last world cup, we watched the final surrounded by foreigners in Lima and this time around it will not be too dissimilar. As much as Rugby is a breathtakingly beautiful school, walking through the town often feels similar to Miraflores. Everywhere you look people are talking in a foreign language (Polish and Romanian this time), and at the local park Herbie is stared at for his blonde hair. The echoes of our Peruvian adventure are still in our memory and we are still using those world cup glasses (no matter how much Clare tries to stop me! And use the correct glasses for the correct drink). I have also recently had the pleasure of introducing people to Cuscena. The beer of the Andes is now stocked in the local ASDA, and as much as they do not let you refill your glasses, the taste is still a treat for the pallet compared to the usual British bland lagers - although one of the boys' parents at the school own a brewery and the Iron Maiden beer that he recently supplied should be tasted by any beer lover - it comes highly recommended. So as I head into the coming months as Head of Geography at Rugby School and with Tilly starting 'big school', Clare taking the textile department of Rugby School into uncharted territory and Herbie running around like a mad man - it is a very exciting time for the Pitt family. I will be updating the blog more often (as I have finally received a new password (the heartbleed bug is good for some things - sorry mumsnet users), and chatting about the life of the Pitt family in their new settled era.

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