Monday, 22 March 2010

Pitt family

The all new and updated Pitt family are doing fantastically well. The idea of getting regular sleep is already a fantasy but when you are awake at 3 in the morning with your beautiful daughter in your arms, you cannot even think about getting cranky or upset.

When she falls asleep on your chest and makes those little gurggling sounds that only babies know how to make, your heart just melts and you no longer care that you haven't slept in four days straight.

Tilly is absolutely beautiful (I know I am biased but I don't care) and she is getting more beautiful by the day.

Frank Lawton sent us an email with a poem attached a few months ago about the birth of your child and the poem has taken on extra resonance over the last few days (please excuse my artistic licence to edit the poem)

Tilly making her landing in the world

so hard she ploughed straight back into earth.

They caught her by the thread of her one breath

and pulled her up. They don't know how it held.

And so today I thank what higher will

brought us to here, to you and me and Clare

and now your lungs somehow out - revving

every engine in the Universe

all that trouble just to turn up dead

was all I thought that long night. Now the thread

is holding all of us: look at our new house

the white dot of your mother waving.

When he sent the email I did not fully understnd the full ramifications but after a night of waiting. After a night of Tilly being ready to be born and then deciding to drag herself back inside, for her heart to start beating slowly, for her heart to think about stopping and her the 'C' section to be called for. The thread of the poem suddenly became a reality, that thread was the all important factor as Tilly came from a weak heart beat to the amazingly strong baby she is today. This thread is now wrapped strongly around out new family and is like nothing I have ever felt before.

People talk about the idea of loving something more than you can possibly explain and that could not be more true. I have known this little girl for less than five days and yet the importance of her to both myself and Clare cannot be understated, cannot be put into words. I need the skills of the poet that Mr Lawton emailed to even come close but even he, I doubt, could properly sum up this occurance, this event, this amazing feeling.


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